About Me

Greetings! I am a young Viking, hailing from the mesmerizing realm of fire and ice, Iceland. Currently taking part of the Universidad de Chile.

During my journey one of the fascinating aspects has been my involvement in coding. I've made contributions to repositories, including an intriguing card game called Gwent. This game showcases my skills in crafting solutions using the Scala programming language. Through these repositories I aim to bridge the gap, between logic and imagination while embracing both creativity and technology.


Welcome to the "Work" part of my journey, where I'll share my professional experiences and accomplishments.

Beyond my work, I've been actively involved in the scouting movement, which has instilled in me the values of leadership, teamwork, and service. These experiences have shaped my character and contributed to my personal and professional growth.

As I continue to progress in my career, I am eager to take on new challenges, expand my horizons, and leave a lasting impact on the ever-evolving world of work and innovation.

Gwent Card Game

A raw and less polished version of the original Gwent card game from CD Project Red. It was my first steps to learning OOP.

Sobre Mi

Por ahora no escribire nada


Por ahora no escribire nada